What's new? (Personal and blogging goals)
Hi lovelies! It's been a looooong time since I updated my blog hasn't it? this blog entry is for this reason, thus I'll be updating you...

Recipe: Sliced bread leftover fix-up
Happy Sunday to everyone! I hope you're making the best of your day. Last Sunday, I made this quick food recycling as I had many...

Recipe: Egg Salad Sandwich
Hi lovelies, how's your week so far? What are your plans for the weekend? I think I'm just going to relax and take some quality time for...

Makeup Look: Bold & Daring Valentine's Day
Hello lovelies, I hope you spent a dreamy Valentine's day. Tell me what you did or if you received presents, I'd love to know. Personally...

Makeup Look: Romantic pink for Valentine's Day
What's up lovelies, Monday is not yet done for me but ever since this morning, I have been productive. I had a job interview, then I got...

Makeup: Back to the basics : understanding eye makeup
Hello lovelies, today's post is in par with my previous one. I had good comments on my first eye makeup tutorial post(of course, it would...

Makeup Look: taupey-mauvey date night + Life Update
Hi lovelies, I apologize for not posting anything the past week... I have an excuse, or rather I've been busy with my personal life. If...

My Current Hair Ritual
Hello lovelies, how are you doing? As for me, so much has happened since last week. I haven't been able to post much as I have been busy...

What's in my go-to makeup bag ...
How are you doing lovelies, I hope everyone's doing fine despite the cold weather, which doesn't really agree with me. For about three...

This Magical Lush Product
Okay maybe I was a bit exagerating when I came up with that title, but in some way I really thought that this was the ideal facial cream....