Recipe: Sliced bread leftover fix-up
Happy Sunday to everyone! I hope you're making the best of your day. Last Sunday, I made this quick food recycling as I had many...

Recipe: Egg Salad Sandwich
Hi lovelies, how's your week so far? What are your plans for the weekend? I think I'm just going to relax and take some quality time for...

Makeup Look: Bold & Daring Valentine's Day
Hello lovelies, I hope you spent a dreamy Valentine's day. Tell me what you did or if you received presents, I'd love to know. Personally...

Makeup Look: Romantic pink for Valentine's Day
What's up lovelies, Monday is not yet done for me but ever since this morning, I have been productive. I had a job interview, then I got...

Makeup: Back to the basics : understanding eye makeup
Hello lovelies, today's post is in par with my previous one. I had good comments on my first eye makeup tutorial post(of course, it would...

Makeup Look: taupey-mauvey date night + Life Update
Hi lovelies, I apologize for not posting anything the past week... I have an excuse, or rather I've been busy with my personal life. If...