My Road to Happiness
Hey lovelies! I hope you are having a good time preparing for the holidays, I know I am.
Another year is achieving its end, a lot of things have happened (to each and every one). This year has certainly taught me so much, in terms of self-development in particular.
How taking a small step forward can make a HUGE difference
I've hinted or rather, mentioned in one of my articles (Why I started blogging) how my past was. I'm not saying that I was a unique case, because we've all had our fair share of teenager angst. Over time, of course, I realize that always looking at the dark side would not help me get out of it. This is something that I wasn't able to realize myself, I admit I wasn't a strong-willed kind of a person. Luckily for me, I met someone who helped me through the process. I'm gonna say this out right, it is not an easy road. You can't just flick your fingers and change yourself. It's a long-term process, I myself have been working on it for about 4 years now, and just last year I decided to really be serious about it. Well I was always serious but when you're sensitive, emotions get the better of you most of the time.
Physical & Spiritual Activity
At the beginning of this year, I decided to really exercise, I got myself a monthly subscription for gym pass. Even though there are times, you don't want to get out of the house (been there), it's really important that you do. Positive thoughts and motivation are the key.
Be kind to your mind and body, that's one step to happiness.
Feed your body with what it needs
We've already heard this millions of times but it is the truth. Your mind and body respond to what you feed them. When we get acnes, or when our skin becomes dry it's probably because of those junk foods from last week, this happens, then we get depressed (alert! negativity!) and we end up doing nothing. Believe me, I've been there, eating healthy may not be as easy but, if you put your mind into your goals, there's nothing you can't do. You become invincible.
Eat healthy, your body will thank you.
Acknowledge your feelings
There's nothing wrong with feeling sad, angry or just simply emotional. We're humans and we're supposed to feel. Denying your thoughts and emotions would be lying to yourself. We don't want that, what we want is to be both friends and master to ourselves. You may feel fine by suppressing unwanted thoughts and emotions, but in the long run this will not make you happy. Besides, bottling up your feelings upsets your body...
This is when I will be talking about my new planner. The Happiness Planner was invented by one of my favorite bloggers : brandmentalist.
It is designed to help you connect with your inner self to find true happiness.

This is something that I've been trying to do but couldn't stick to it. A new year is a good time to change, that's why I purchased this planner specifically for that matter.
I recommend obtaining this planner if not something similar. It's not just your average planner, hence the name, it also serves as your diary and therapy if you will.
Be true to yourself.
This is my road to happiness, have you taken the first step to yours?